• Little girl waiting
    For her daddy to come home
    Sitting at the table
    Little girl alone.

    Daddy comes inside
    Girl goes to say 'hi'
    Daddy says she's worthless
    Tells her she should die.

    Girl bows her head
    Her face is red with shame
    She tells daddy she's sorry
    She's a disgrace to his name.

    Tears form in her eyes
    And from her cheeks they drop
    Daddy's getting angry
    He screams at her to stop.

    Tears are coming faster
    "Forgive me!" She pleads
    His fist catches her face
    From her nose she bleeds.

    Girl is hysterical now
    Getting more and more distressed
    Guess what love this earns her?
    A kick straight in the chest.

    Daddy walks away at last
    On her skin are shades of blues
    Purples, greens and browns
    Making up a footprint bruise.

    Girl lies in a pool of blood
    Continuing to cry
    Wishing someone loved her
    Wishing she would die.