• I really wish I could believe airplanes in the night sky were shooting stars
    For all I could wish for is the numbness to remove itself from my being
    I want to cry
    I want to grieve
    For this loss
    This painful loss
    Right now it is a shock to me nothing more
    I don’t cry
    I don’t grieve
    But why
    I now my friends cried
    I know my friends are grieving
    But what reason do I not cry
    What is the reason I do not grieve
    For what reason did I never say I love you
    Is my life just here for confusion?
    ether way I will say this
    If when I last time I saw you was the last
    How I knew I would not see you agen
    Goodbye my good friend
    My life has been built upon our meeting
    I will never forget you