• These words slip from the tip of my tongue,
    Travel to the tips of my fingers,
    As they tap away at the keyboard.

    I search my mind for the words to write,
    To show how I really feel,
    For speaking seems to fail me.

    But how am I to find those words,
    So deep in the depths of my head,
    I'm searching the void but not finding a thing.

    I block out the world around me,
    And go deep into myself,
    Into my core.

    I feel myself sinking in my emotional pools,
    So much surrounding me,
    So many things left to deal.

    I found me,
    But I'm afraid to look,
    So I turn the other way.

    My body trembles,
    As I sink deeper into myself,
    I've found me but I'm afraid to know.

    Though I didn't take a peek,
    I had a better sense of who I might be,
    And I found the words to write:

    My life is my words,
    And my words are my life.
    Happiness and Joy,
    Yet void and vacancy,
    Fill my very core.
    Feisty fire, calm air,
    Run through veins.
    The waters are troubled,
    And Earth bares weight upon my shoulders.
    But this is me,
    Or at least who I am now.
    The struggles of acceptance,
    The forgiving of myself and others.
    Moving on from the past,
    And dealing with the present.
    I shall one day know death from life,
    The beginning from the end,
    And me from what I become at night.