• Broken wings and shattered dreams
    These are the highlights of my life.
    I've only lived a life of pain
    Needing but never satisfied.
    I lost my chance to fly away
    To live a life that’s full of bliss.
    My wings became all worn and frayed
    Because my life was so amiss.
    Was it my wings that set me apart
    And made my life a living hell?
    I knew I was different from the start
    As I hid within my shell.
    I envied them, their life of ease
    It didn't seem right that I should hurt.
    The agony brought me to my knees
    The hatred grew as I lay in dirt.
    I loathed those that didn't understand
    Why I was the way I seemed.
    It isn't like I was given the chance
    To be the man I always dreamed.

    But then my shattered dreams did fade
    Against the moonlit sky.
    I realized it was the choices I made
    That ruined my chance to fly.
    My broken wings were a result of hate
    That burned deeply within my eyes.
    Now that I have seen my fate
    Is there really a reason to try?
    Is my future truly set in stone?
    Do I get a second chance?
    I know that I can change my tone,
    Take the anger from my glance.
    I can be a saint, I know it’s true
    I just need a little time.
    Kindness that shall be the fuel
    That will change my mind.
    Hatred is an evil fiend
    It cripples the strongest man.
    It corrupted and shattered all my dreams
    Rejected the helping hands.

    First thing to change will be my dreams
    They'll be happy and painted white.
    When the darkness seems supreme
    The sun will surely shine.
    With the sun will come the light
    To break the binding chains.
    For happiness can win the fight
    And conquer over pain.
    But the light resides within a heart
    Not a rising star.
    It was her power from the start
    That healed up all my scars.
    I couldn't see her effect on me
    I was blinded by the pain.
    She held me tight, told me to believe
    And broke those binding chains.
    She freed my heart and cleansed my soul
    She fixed my broken wings.
    I thanked her but I couldn't show
    All of my true feelings.

    The question is what can it be
    For I have not known love.
    Yet every time she speaks to me
    My wings spread like a doves.
    My soul it flies into the sky,
    My heart beats out of control.
    When she’s around I don't know why
    Time just seems to slow.
    I guess it's her good nature
    That makes her shine and gleam.
    To me she’s like an angel
    That brings out the best in me