• You say you love me...
    Never do anything to hurt me...

    Yet even tho,

    when ever im takeing action
    it means YOUR taking action,
    which means that somethings wrong...

    its all in the mind,
    i yell at my self. i turn around and there you are,
    pouring dirt on my back, waching my skin yell out for it self.

    the dirt peircing through the scars
    made by your early history pain.

    im not gonna yell.
    not gonna scream.
    not gonna pray for help.

    cause i LOVE the way it hurts....
    ille believe you love me.
    ...for now
    but when your yonder's become a repeating alignment.
    dont ask me if i was the reason for this.

    when your life becomes a trail of tears,
    dont come asking for help.
    ille mock your expressions. and be a true friend and pour dirt on your back
    like you've done to me all this time.