• We are the writers, and we regine supreme!

    with swords of ink and wood and paper shields

    we write for freedom and expression

    we write for honor and glory

    for love and romance, hatred and loathing.

    For we are the writers and we have the power of voice!

    We are the writers and the weapons we take

    are more powerful than russian ICBM's

    and just as frightening!

    They are more destrctive than a bad popperazzi shot

    of a celeberty doing drugs

    for we are the writers and our pens are deadly

    we are the writers and our answer is "TO BE"!

    for we take arms and won't suffer the slings and arrows of our classmates

    instead we shall silence them with our words

    and as we walk through the hallways of our schools of torment

    we shall fear no one

    for we are the writers and our minds our strong

    we are the writers, and our wills are solid

    we train our words to be a weapon and a gateway

    to worlds of hope, love , mystery, amd healing

    we hold the keys imagination and we can unlock the doors

    doors that lead to worlds of wonder

    for we are the writers and are voices are like thunder!

    hear us and know who we are!

    For WE are the writers!