• Utopian Society

    The camera sweeps across the scene,
    an endless picture of nothing unique.

    Small children, just old enough to run on their own,
    sit quietly in their yards, playing with toys and humming.

    Younger ones, babies and infants, coo in their mothers arms and
    do not cry.

    Older children sit in school and smile obediently when instructed
    work hard
    be quiet
    and study.

    Teenagers do not talk to their parents
    (Your opinion is not welcome)
    they all have a job
    a car
    a future ahead of them

    Young adults sit in college
    study psychology, English, business
    work hard
    earn degrees

    They all drink from pure and plentiful water
    live in suburbs of dark green, trimmed, watered grass
    and endlessly blue skies

    Children all learn the same things
    Individuality and free thinking is discouraged
    (You do not want to destroy our Utopia)

    There are no celebrities
    No television
    Music displays happy messages
    All is well

    Books describe love and acceptance
    Poems, plays, operas, are all the same
    Not one wants to fill innocent minds with thoughts

    Adults are killed at fifty
    (They needn’t impact the health care system)
    and are made into food

    Agriculture is done by the Assigned
    Food (and humans) are available to all

    Not one goes hungry.

    Not one is poor.

    Buildings sweep across the land
    tall, clear, unbreakable
    Whole cities are inside
    The houses, of course, simply surround.

    Sweets are long gone
    (as is obesity, cancer, and mental illness)

    They are all pale
    (I’ve such pretty veins!)

    Blonde haired
    (Look, Mommy! It’s curled.)

    (Sparkles in the light.)

    Little girls wear lacy dresses
    shiny shoes
    folded socks

    Little boys were shorts
    and tall socks.

    The families gather to smile and wave,
    happy in another day.