• Heart is pumping,
    Blood is boiling,
    There is no bumping,
    The mind in toiling.

    The Monster is getting loose, run away or die....

    Skin is crawling,
    Eyes are going cold,
    My personalities are brawling,
    All actions are growing bold.

    Monster is so close, breathing down my neck as it screams to hurt.

    My arms go to strength,
    My mind goes numb
    My skin goes to a hardened shell
    No part of my body is now dumb to get hit.

    The Monster is starting to meld into the crowd, be prepared....

    Slowly I am wrapped,
    Cold and gone,
    You did not listen to heed my words,
    and for that you shall pay.

    The Monster has stricken all with the damned virus called pain, and it spreads the bad insanity. It has only two to thank for the perfect tango, you and I.