• Little Jack In The Box knew what to do, little Jack In The Box knew to make stew.
    He knew when to cry and knew when to laugh and knew when to smell or take a bath.
    How great the little Jack In The Box is to all, even though we all know he's not very tall.
    He was awesome and bouncy like a rubber ball wire, he was the king with a castle full of awesome attire.
    He helped others with money from the rich to the poor, he would be a good boy and do all of his chores.
    But not his little brother the people always say, no one could talk to him because he said "GO AWAY!!"
    He was a hateful little guy to everyone he knew, he was like a bad dog who chews on your shoe.
    He was bad and shameful and not very nice, no one ever ever wants to ask him for advice.
    So Jack tried to save him and bring him to good, even if he had to beat him with a large piece of wood.
    So he took that wood and beat his little brother and the people said to Jack 'HURRAH YOU'RE LIKE NO OTHER!"
    Now and forever there will be good in this town, no one to cry and no one to frown.
    The people will never forget the good in Jack's heart but they all want to forget his brother's smelly fart.