• You would think things would get easier. I thought things would get easier but now I know I was wrong. They get harder and harder. Your once clear image in my head is fading and I'm so scared I will forget you. But deep in me, I know I won't. I know I can't. I miss everything about you, when you taught me to ride a bike, when you used to fight with me on the sofa, and when you told me you wanted me to take over the business and I laughed in your face but you replied, you can do it baby. Like you always did. It feels like a part of me has gone, and I know I will never get it back. I miss you so much it hurts. You were my rock, when I couldn't do something we'd have those secret father, daughter hugs and you'd tell me chin up and screw the world because you can't please everyone. I can't stand the silence in the house without you, or even when we argued about you staying up to make sure I was OK, but now I know it was because you cared. I feel so guilty I couldn't be with you longer, or spend more time with you. When you told me we was moving from London and that it was the best decision I know you chose the best route for me. I know I should have listened to what you have said. Now I know your watching me from up there and I know I never told you this, but I was proud of everything you did, and what you achieved and I know I will only ever be able to walk in your footsteps but I'm happy to do so because you are my hero. I miss you forever Dad. I love you </3