• Welcome to Winter,
    So this is what we call winter
    Cold, depressing, all round the cold is bitter
    You would be surprised by the families that cannot stand this season
    Either they cannot afford the yearly world round traditions
    Had family die on those icy death traps we call roads that whined through the mountains
    This time lacks in sun we need
    Vitamin D deficiencies that cause some people to go insane

    Welcome to Canada,
    Across this Country, there are freezing days
    Sad families
    And the odd homeless that is suffering from frost bite or hypothermia
    Our roads my be crappy
    Our weather may cause the people here hurt
    But not like those people that do not have a family to celebrate or afford gifts for
    Even if the government gives them money, its not enough to even last through the year
    Their children go out job hunting to try to help their loved ones
    And some just give up on these days of festive celebration

    Welcome to being a spirit,
    We watch as our families celebrate with out us
    We wish that we could be there with them
    But we know it will not happen in tel they to pass
    We are there to welcome those who die this season
    We watch over the soldiers trying to help them survive this time of year
    There families sit at home just like ours
    Knowing that they may not see them again

    Welcome to our sad reality,
    It is full of heart break
    And sorrow
    We can not do anything about it
    People killing people
    People killing themselves
    All the rest of us can do is try to help those people
    Even is our outcome is them never talking to us again