• She said:

    Life is full of hardships.

    All it is

    Is one big test.

    With each day that

    Passes by,

    Comes a new problem,

    A new sorrow.

    But do not fret,

    For with the bad

    Comes the good.

    He said:

    Very true.

    But when will they all end?

    It’s a test

    That I happen to be failing;

    A new problem,

    Yet no solution is ever found.

    I find my own ways to deal with this pain.

    But can I ask

    Wouldn’t it just be easier

    To just end it all?

    She said:

    Giving up is easy,

    Yes I agree.

    It’s a quick solution;

    A way to end

    All suffering with ease.

    But is that what you want?

    Giving up without a care.

    There are people who love you, no?

    And what of the good things

    That life has presented?

    He said:

    The goods are nothing compared to the bads.

    The suffering and sorrow.

    If they truly cared about me,

    They’ll let me go.

    I have bared enough

    For this lifetime,

    Maybe in another

    I’ll be happier,


    A better lover.

    She said:

    And what if there is no

    Other life?

    Or what if nothing changes?

    What then?

    Could you really just leave

    Those who love you behind?

    Leave me behind?

    Please don’t do that.

    Having you around is the best thing

    That has ever happened; Don’t take that away.

    He said:

    I don’t want to hurt you.

    But would you not

    Like to see me happier?

    To fly in the clouds

    To a kingdom of angels you so deeply believe in?

    Or do you want me to stay

    On this sadistic earth,

    And scream in the dead of night.

    Or slowly wither away

    To nothing

    She said:

    I know my pain is not something

    You wish to see.

    I try my best to hold my head high,

    And hold back the tears

    That want to spill for you.

    Don’t you know how much

    I love you?

    So how can you sit there

    And ask me such things?

    Am I not worth living for?

    He said:

    I’ve lived such a life,

    Without a helping hand,

    Without any mercy on my pain at all.

    And then you came along.

    But I never asked for help,

    All I asked for was an ear to listen.

    Either way,

    I’ll go too far one day,

    And shatter my soul

    With an leer on my face

    She said:

    Each and every morning,

    I wake with the fear

    That I’ll see that message

    That says you are no longer here.

    I was afraid to fall in love.

    Then I met you,

    And opened my heart to you.

    But now I’m afraid

    I’ll lose the one person

    I need; You.

    He said:

    But wouldn’t you rather

    Wake up to the fact

    That all my pain is vanished.


    Gone away.

    Or would you rather live with the guilt

    That you’re the reason

    I make sure I’m breathing

    Just so that irritating tear

    Doesn’t fall out of your eye

    She said:

    You know very well

    I want your pain to disappear.

    You know that if I possessed the power

    To take it all away,

    I would in a heartbeat.

    I guess I’m just another selfish being,

    Unwilling to let you go.

    I’m in too deep; I love you too much.

    If our roles were reversed,

    Could you easily just…set me free?

    He said:

    No I couldn’t.

    But our roles aren’t reversed.

    But our love the same,

    Who says I won’t be watching over you

    When the deed is done?

    As much as you get lost

    In dreams of me,

    I get lost in dreams

    Of a fatal suicide

    A scenic murder.

    She said:

    I don’t know how to

    Make you see,

    I don’t know how to

    Make you stay here with me.

    Each sentence I toss your way,

    Gets shoved to the side;

    What I say doesn’t matter.

    You’re set on your ways.

    You love me,

    Yet not enough to live.

    He said:

    How can I tell you

    How much I love you?

    But can’t you see

    I love death just as much?

    Just like you end my pain,

    So does a velvet killing.

    I may be selfish

    To think in such a way,

    But I can’t live another day

    With this torture.

    She said:

    Why can’t my love

    Just be enough?

    You say that you need me,

    That being me is all you need.

    But then I see the hell you’re in,

    The scars left from falling so far,

    And you only speak of death.

    It looks as though I’m not enough.

    I don’t want to make you choose between us,

    But it looks as though you’ve made a choice, and it’s not me.

    He said:

    You say you don’t want me to choose,

    And you don’t want to let go.

    Your fingers entwined in mine,

    Getting tighter

    And tighter

    As the days go by.

    I’ll stay for a little bit longer,

    But only to see you smile.

    However the minute you let go,

    So will I…