(CHORUS) I swallow the pills,
    I swallow the pills,
    I swallow....the pills,

    Every second, time consuming,
    without a single break.
    But in the these precious
    moments there's
    not a drug I wouldn't
    I've tried everything to
    clean my mind of thoughts
    of suicide, delusions
    crack apart my spine....
    When awoken in this bed,
    with thoughts of corpses
    in my head.

    I swallow the pills,
    I swallow the pills,
    I swallow....the pills,

    And every night it's on my mind,
    there's never a wrong
    place to hide, no matter
    how many times I lose it
    there's only one option,
    there's not a single
    drug I haven't tried.....

    I swallow the pills,
    I swallow the pills,
    I swallow....the pills.

    I swallow the pills,
    I swallow the pills,
    I swallow....the pills.

    I swallow the pills,
    I swallow the pills,
    I swallow....the pills.