• He said it’s what I needed,
    he told me it’s what I deserved,
    he forced himself upon me,
    and threw to the floor.
    His hand wrapped around my mouth,
    and his knee went in my chest.

    His friends gathered round,
    pushing him on.

    I try to run,
    I try to stand,
    he slaps my face,
    and kicks my back,

    I try to fight,
    to pull away,
    but my legs are bruised,
    my breath is lost.

    I bite his hand,
    I grab his leg,
    he pulls my hair,
    and hits my face.
    He whispers to me,
    shouts at me,
    calls me a whore,
    calls me a b***h.

    I try to call for help,
    but fear and pain hold
    my voice,
    hold me down,
    hold me now.

    He leaves me in the dirt,
    and on the street,
    pain and shame,
    pain and disgrace,

    Why did no one come?
    To help me,
    to save me,
    am I not worthy of

    He said it’s what I needed,
    he said it’s what I deserved.
    I did not need this,
    I did not deserve it.

    When the sun rises I’ll
    leave this place,
    run away,
    flee it soon.

    But now, my soul lies broken,
    my chest has shattered,
    and I cannot face the light,
    I cannot show my face,
    with blood trailing down my legs
    my body torn apart.

    Someday I’ll be safe.
    I’ll find someone who
    believes I’m worth
    and then I shall
    face the light of
    day with
    with pride upon my