• 4:00 AM and I can't say that I understand.
    That I know how to deal with these surroundings.
    That I can see the sun gleaming on the horizon.
    That I know which way goes up or down.
    Left or right.
    Or even whether or not this is the end.
    You told me you're "sorry".
    That you "wish it didn't come to this".
    But how I even begin to believe those words when I know everything before was all a lie.
    Don't give me that.
    It's ugly, distasteful, and force things into my mind that makes me tear at my strands of hair.
    Shut up.
    It's not worth explaining.
    I maybe confused,
    But I understand enough to know.

    2:00 AM, it happened.
    4:00 AM, it torn me shreds.
    4:30 AM, I freed myself.