• as i walked through the red forest

    i saw from afar

    a skinny shite she-wolf

    starving and small

    a hunched over man

    appeared before me

    he took my arm

    and he did say:

    "that there is Malahai

    and she does suffer so

    for she is the cursed one

    all brightly aglow

    " dontt be fooled by her poor appearance

    for she does to herself

    she shall forever suffer

    for the souls she does take

    for the more that she eats

    the hungrier she gets"

    i stared at him in wonder

    and began to turn around

    but wherever i turned

    Malahai was to be found

    the man he had gone

    and left me to drown

    she started towards me

    her blue eyes sad

    she stared into me

    drove me mad

    her voice kept on pounding into my head

    my vision blurred

    my limbs went limp

    i couldn't move

    as she torchured me so

    oh! and the grin apon her face

    as i twitch

    the pain unbearable

    and i couldn't move an inch

    i jerked from my body

    that fell to the ground

    i started foreward and follow she i did

    to the valley of souls

    there to be forever dead