• My heart is the house i will dwell in forever...
    You can bang on the doors and I wont answer...
    Ring the doorbell and I wont come...
    The chains on my heart will only grow tighter...
    Until my heart is nothing but an iron cage...
    Your words that stab my heart..
    The lies I believed were true...
    You didn't even tell me who you were really inside...
    Your past is a diary with a missing key..
    The things i can't see wont comfort me...
    I have been broken once before and that is why I lock my doors...
    The strawberry gashes on the inside...
    Tell a tale that is mine and only mine...
    I can't trust anyone anymore..
    I shouldn't have unlocked the door...
    I let a complete stranger in...
    Only to be hurt again...
    Why must I live such a terrible lie?
    I act all fine when I'm slowly decaying on the inside...
    What's wrong with me?
    I told you the truth that I loved you...
    My words were like a precious rose...
    But when you repeated them you gave me the thorns...
    Pricking my heart once again...
    I was a fool and I was blind...
    I let you break the chains and love me...
    Soon you didn't talk to me or say sorry...
    I am lonely and hurt...
    I thought I could undo the chains...
    that bound me to an empty fate...
    Why don't you just kill me now..
    With a flood of water gushing through my eyes...
    Because of you I'm broken and empty...
    Because of you the scars on my heart won't heal...
    Because of you I'm nothing...