• Grandma
    you were in my life for the longest time
    and now your gone all in a blink of an eye
    I am so confused I have no idea why
    this had to happen to you
    but I guess cancer takes some of the best
    and we all have to die someday
    I just wish it weren't so soon
    I need to know that you're okay and you're up there with God
    watching over me still witnessing me grow
    I need some sort of sign I need to know
    I guess the pain and suffering is all done
    I miss you grandma
    I just need one more day with you so I can tell you how much I love and miss you
    grandma I love you with all my heart
    and I know that you're up there watching over me
    God needed one more to fill the empty space
    he looked around the hospital and saw your sweet face
    when you stopped breathing
    we knew you were gone
    you went so peacefully
    so we knew you chose the right home
    we knew your skies weren't so blue
    and the roads were getting too tough for you
    but you fought that fight
    and you did the best you could do
    the best part was you didn't die alone
    the day God sent you home
    I know you had to go
    now I feel I'm alone
    but I know you're close
    when I feel the warmth at night I know its you giving me a good night kiss
    when I feel my chest getting tight I know that’s you giving me a big hug
    when I feel the wind brush through my hair
    I know your whispering i love you
    when I see the sun shine I know you're happy
    when I see that bright star I know that’s you watching down on us all and smiling
    now a beautiful angel watching over us all