• I am a shadow in the midnight
    And you are a stain upon the floor,
    While I sink into obscurity
    You call attention all the more

    I have depth and you have faces,
    I have pain and you’re at ease,
    While I fill the empty spaces
    You fight the spaces over me

    Your mind is sick and twisted,
    Though mine is quite the same,
    I’m the one who’s always resisted,
    You’re the one who’s always tame

    I hate you for your happiness,
    I’m jealous of your joy,
    I can’t have what you reek of
    So this plot I must employ;

    I’ll destroy your very essence
    And the rights you don’t deserve,
    Maybe when you’re at my level
    Your sentence will be served

    When I collapse the social ladder,
    You’ll tumble along the brass,
    To the ground with the undeserving,
    To the ground with the Golden Class!

    Perhaps when you’ve lived among us,
    Those whom you’ve once ignored,
    You’ll see society doesn’t need you
    In fact, we’re all quite bored

    Maybe this will change things;
    Make the world a better place,
    Humanity will finally save itself,
    Though, I have very little faith