• So there we were, walking along the shaded lanai.

    We reached the jeepney stop, and supposed to say goodbye,

    In my mind, I thought today was just like one of those days.

    But this time, it was different as you looked straight at my face.

    “I know your home is just a walk away…”

    These were the exact words that I heard her say.

    “But for a change, will you ride this jeepney with me?”

    This was the scenario that I failed to foresee!

    I crammed and rushed. What’s the best way to agree?

    I just end up nodding like a lifeless dummy.

    She softly giggled, as a jeepney came stopping by.

    “Come, let’s ride this one.” I just had to comply.

    So there we were, sitting as we went along the lane.

    In my mind, I needed to confess or I would go insane!

    So without anything to hold me back, I reached for her hand.

    This was harder than I thought, like swimming on solid land.

    “You know what, I’ve been wanting to tell you this. I…”

    Then the jeepney stopped and I quickly let out a big sigh.

    In came an odd figure, who I though was a complete stranger.

    He made me scoot away just so he could sit beside her.

    “Hey, meet my boyfriend…” My face was in disarray.

    “Are you ok? What was that thing you wanted to say?”

    With a small bit of courage left, I told the driver to stop.

    “I… have to go.” I held my tears as I quickly got up.

    So I went down, turned around, I had nowhere to go.

    I asked myself, “Why did you make me love you so?

    You should have killed the love while my heart could still surrender,

    Rather than to kill it in this moment and make me suffer forever.”