• Your love is deadly,
    Life threatening.
    It takes hold of my neck and squeezes,
    Until there is no breath left and I am left lifeless.
    Your love thrashes,
    Moving left and right, up and down
    Any way it can move it has moved,
    Taking me with it to follow like a sick puppy to it's master,
    Who beats it away then gives it endless kisses.
    My heart is suffocated by your love.
    Constant and steady.

    Do you remember when your love was constant and steady?
    When we could take on the world?
    No one could take us down.
    No man, woman, or child could tear me from you.
    Or you from me.
    Only God could ordain whether we loved or died,
    And we stood fast before him, in all the confidence lovers could have.
    But you became tired of standing.
    Your heart weakened under the pressure of a weary world.
    And our God gave me strength.
    Strength to hold on or let go?
    I don't know yet.

    Any woman would let go,
    But my heart believes all the lies you told me,
    All the things you believed when you wrote them.
    The forevers and porch fronts and pretty white dresses.
    All the things from children dreams and illusions love gives.
    I keep them in a little box and look at them when alone.
    And I believe again.
    What a stupid girl I am.