• Here I am bleeding on the floor
    I think I might be dieing
    But who cares

    If I scream no one would hear
    Cause no one is home
    I am pretty sure I am close to death

    I wish someone would find me
    It sucks that I am going to die alone
    My mum isn't even home

    it really sucks I am lying on the floor in the bathroom
    Fallen as I was getting out of the shower
    I am pretty sure my head is busted open

    I hit it on counter
    I wonder if they will miss me
    Most likely not

    I guess this is going to be the end of my journey
    I wonder if I'm going to miss anything
    Don't relly have anything to miss though

    I will now forever be alone dead
    I'm ashamed I didn't tell my mum about being gay
    I'm ashamed I lied to her so many times

    For I am sorry for everything I have done
    If there is some greater being
    Please forgive for my sins

    ~forever dead, the unnamed