• I smile as the perfect perferated pages,
    lock the heart break in proverbial cages.
    And he holds his perfect little whore queen,
    angel wings and a halo crown like royalty.

    His two faced beautiful,
    practically a perfect little angel.
    A lovely little fairy tail,
    hold her close it never fails.

    The bloody hello kitty band aids,
    can't always mend a broken heart.
    I was ready to die for you,
    I bandaged yours but mine bled through.

    His two faced beautiful,
    not exactly a perfect little angel
    lovely little siren,
    ******** up little fairy tail.

    I'm just a perfect little freak show,
    lovely little heart break,
    chocolate covered razer blades,
    and a strawberry milkshake.

    -I smile as the
    perfect perferated pages,
    lock the heart break in
    (Proverbial Cages)

    Wishing on a maskara covered eyelash,
    Memories of us are fading fast.