• I sit here waiting, wondering,
    Your mad, your frustrated, your upset,
    What did I do?
    I love you and,

    I though you loved me too.

    You ignore me,
    Don’t message, don’t call
    Its like you don’t care at all.

    You said you did
    Was that a lie?
    You said you would hold me when I cried

    I miss you,
    I need you
    But do you need me?
    Am I just another annoying friend,
    Who you don’t want to see?

    I’ll leave you alone,
    I won’t get online,
    I’ll let you live your life
    And unintertwine it from mine.

    If you want to hang out,
    If you want to see me,

    Call me or text,
    I’ll be back,
    But otherwise I’m done
    I’ll leave you alone because,
    To you it seems I am no fun.

    Just because I younger,
    Doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt,
    To see that on of,
    My best friends is pulling away from me.