• Oh, she can teach the torches how to shine bright
    She's a star, I'm blind, oh, won't she light my way?
    She's so blatantly shining, so blindingly beautiful
    Throat's closing up, like every other day

    If only I could overcome my idiotic fear
    Public humiliation has never been frightening
    One step away from rejection, and her
    Adrenaline running through like lightning

    So why here, and why now?
    Why must she make me feel this way?

    I wish I could serenade her, without speaking a word
    Facing her in such close proximity is intimidating
    I could be a king, royalty in another world
    But here I'm still lonely, always hesitating

    Oh, she can teach the torches how to shine bright
    She's a star, I'm blind, oh, won't she light my way?
    She's so blatantly shining, so blindingly beautiful
    Throat's closing up, like every other day

    I guess that's just how it should be
    Unless I finally step up and claim the throne

    Oh, if only choices weren't double-edged swords
    I'd step down and forget whatever the cost
    I've never wanted to get cut nor injured
    But with her, it's like I'm broken and lost

    I'm lost, blind, battered and broken
    I just wanted her to lead the way into bliss

    Oh, she taught the torches how to shine bright
    She was a star, I wish I could turn back time
    She was so blatantly shining, so blindingly beautiful
    But now she's dancing in the ballroom with the divine

    My star fell into the darkness alone
    Without this king to protect his queen