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    I am dead inside
    I am dead without
    My mind is compromised
    What am I All about?

    I feel this anger
    An emotion that will not go away
    I don't know If i want it to
    It keeps you people from me, but lead me astray

    This rage comes from my own
    It was created by my mind
    But more than that
    It was created when you left me behind

    You betrayed all I knew
    And left me in a desolate place
    I live now only for my anger
    I don't know if anyone will see my true face

    My darkness, it rules me
    It controls my very fate
    I don't see how I'll ever be free
    My very life created this hate

    Something you will never see
    Is the pain that storms through my soul
    I bury it deep and hide it well
    If Id didn't my very demon would reach their goal

    With my very words you think I'm telling so much
    But there is more to me then you'll ever know
    My heart and soul are buried deep
    There are many thing I'll never show

    You could knwo me for a lifetime
    And still you would not know it all
    My anger and darkness cloak me well
    My pain and fear close me off behind a steel wall

    So take what you will from the things I say
    You will never know the whole story
    Trust me when I say you'd turn away
    Especially the parts that are bloody and gory

    My heart has drowned in a river
    There is so much i can never explain
    And the saddest thing of all you would know?
    It's a deep, dark river...........of my own making.