• To the Shadow Lover who seduces all in turn,
    I courted you once, yet you do not return,
    Now I miss your smooth enveloping concern,
    You leave me without your pleasant company and I yearn…

    To the Shadow Lover whose realm all visit at their end,
    How I miss you now, my one time friend,
    Alone and Melancholic, emotions with which I always do contend,
    They drew you to me once, non-content…

    To the Shadow Lover who holds the world in an embrace,
    Reminding us all of the eventual end, of life and of our race,
    To slow down and see the world, to carefully set our pace,
    To stop and smell the tiny rose, examine life like a delicate lace…

    To the Shadow Lover whom no one can ever deny,
    For you can see through all plots, plans and every single disguise,
    Escape from you, many claim. It is naught but a lie,
    And it is your breathtaking kiss, blessed upon those who die…