• Bliss

    The rain fell gently from the darkened sky,

    No longer shall the ground be bone dry.

    Gracing every thing it touches,

    Saving us from this drought’s awful clutches.

    The rain falls gracefully down,

    Soaking my skin, hair, and gown.

    Oh, how beautiful, how wonderful is this?

    How amazing this wondrous bliss.

    Harsher now, the rain slaps at my feet.

    Quickly the rain and ground meet.

    Dazed by the outburst of the storm,

    Every creature scatters, runs.

    The rain falls so harsh down,

    Soaking my skin, hair, and gown.

    Oh, how frightening, how scary is this?

    How amazing this wondrous bliss.

    Quietly now the rain slows to a stop.

    A rainbow shines above the rooftop.

    The soil is soft, graced by rain's touch.

    Goodbye drought; to us, you no longer clutch.