• Good morning.
    In the clear hours of the morning, I realize something significant
    I realize how much I love you.
    In the morning hours, my soul awakens, refreshed and anew, and with painful clarity.
    But of these things I know how much I love you.
    I want to be there by your side, now and always.
    I want to be that person that always laughs with you, holds you, wipes away your tears, comforts you when you need a helping hand.
    I want you right now to hold in these morning hours, when I know that you're asleep
    and dreaming whimsical, silly dreams.
    Are you dreaming of me? Of your family? Of your life? Or some fantasy made up in your head?
    I want to know, I want to be a part of that world too, as selfish as it is.
    Because I love you.
    Are you still asleep?
    I want to see your peaceful face, overtaken by Nature's sleep and dreams.
    Do you snore loudly? Softly? Do you whine or groan or toss and turn in your sleep?
    I just want to know and see, and to hold you and love you
    in these morning hours filled with clarity and love
    for you.