• The light of stars that I have cursed

    And the moon that glow its impure golden gleam

    Within the darkness that surrounds

    And show the desire of every human being

    Eternity, a lie that everyone had wished for

    Of being immortal, and live as a god-like in this crumbling realm

    And the blinded humanity

    Which indulged by violence, lust

    And blood of others

    The death of brothers

    Far astray inside the realms of themselves

    And one thing which known by the most of us

    Is none can fulfill the wishes

    Of the skeptic ones

    Even the shooting stars can’t fulfill the prayer of yours

    And if we see within the selves of us

    None can deny how greed we are

    Of power and wealth in our dreams

    Either in the future or the past

    Or in nowadays

    The same thing what we have aspired all along

    And when we look up to the world with the visions of our own

    Obscurity has an absolute vivid look in our visions