• you treat me like a game but its my soul that your killing all because you dont care about me
    undetectable ,undetectable thats how u see me undetectable. love is a blind game undetectable now
    you broke my heart just now but you dont care about any thing. my heart is not a game if u brake u cant repay anything.
    you cant replay the game that u missed. you cant fill up the missing peice u made
    undetectable undetectable thats how you see me undetecable. love is a blind undetecable game ohh-ohhh
    you dont have to play these silly little games. just click play and youll go back. you dont need this silly little boy in your life.
    my life was perfect without you around to break my heart again...
    you can go now i dont want u anymore.
    undetecable undetecable im no longer undetecable
    i gave up ilet you win you can go from under my skin. my heart is not a game anymore.....