• Laughter.
    ******** Laughter

    I sit in my room, wiping useless tears off my face, and thats what I hear.
    Damn it. Why am I so bitter?
    You think I ******** like feeling this way?

    I let out a strained laugh.
    That's it.
    It so clear now! That has to be it!
    More laughs flow around my room now, each more true and crazed then before.
    Because I figured it out, I like feeling this way!

    Is there any reason why else I would always feel this way?
    Unless...I like it of course.
    I slowly stand up, making my way to my mirror.
    I stare at my duplicated self and can't help think of how ironic this is
    Because now I can't. Stop. Laughing.