• A passing by,
    Amongst the leaves
    Turned brown,
    The footsteps
    Haunt the cold
    Of words
    Without intent,
    Just a glance
    At innocence,
    Even though
    Guilt is ridden
    Through their bones...

    Wishing for tomorrow...

    Meeting for the evening,
    Twin eyes surprise
    The audience
    With sadness,
    What emotions,
    What emotions
    Have been let?
    Set like
    An actor,
    Stage is emptying
    For a

    Dialogue bounces,
    Words get faded
    With no intent...
    What emotions,
    What emotions?
    And Disheartened...
    No bitterness
    Just confusion...

    Good afternoon,
    Nice weather,
    I took the time
    To send a letter
    Or two...
    Hope they reached you
    Through the recent
    Mail room dispute...
    Their systems
    Can't compute
    The meaning
    Behind all these words,
    Or maybe they're
    Just misheard...
    Well nevermind,
    Well nevermind
    The coorporations
    And litigations,
    I didn't come
    On this pretense,
    But can't say
    I'll make sense
    Of the little things
    Running through my head...
    Great to grab
    Some coffee,
    Sometime again,
    Let's do this
    Another time...
    Before my stanzas
    Begin to rhyme...
    Nice just to talk
    Some small words;
    Before my head
    What I
    Just worked...
    A simple phrase
    Is all it took...
    Sometimes I'm
    Please don't
    Say it's getting
    Late again...
    I'd rather walk around
    I'd rather talk around
    Some more...
    These city streets
    Are empty now:
    A perfect venue
    For one last sound,
    I'll write a song or two
    And play them just for you...
    Maybe I'll cry but
    You won't see,
    Just close your eyes
    And let it be...
    This evening's
    Ended perfectly...
    Note for note
    I'm weeping silently
    Strumming secretly
    For the streetlights
    And the stars...
    Just you and I,
    Mr. Mirror,
    I'm sorry I
    Put you on
    The shelf...

    Good afternoon,
    Nice weather?
    I shure hope...
    You got the letters...
    Small talk isn't cheap
    When it's the only thing
    I got to say...