• When you're the world's slave, Chloroforms the norm.
    Ten feet under your eyelids I trap you,
    I'll make you pay and pay and pay your due,
    Cheri, you are f****d in more ways then one,
    Count yourself lucky if you ever see the sun.

    Welcome to hell, leave your shoes at the door,
    You don't need anything anymore you see,
    Now you are nothing, nothing but a whore,
    A different meaning to take a knee,
    Why is no one looking for you, lost little lamb?
    The wolf took you from the flock, nobody gives a damn.

    The world is full of predators and thieves,
    Where there is weakness, evil men will swarm,
    When you're the world's slave, Chloroforms the norm.

    Ten feet under your eyelids I trap you,
    I'll make you pay and pay and pay your due,
    Baby, you are screwed when it's said and done,
    Count yourself lucky if you are the only one.

    Welcome to hell, leave your shoes at the door,
    You don't need anything anymore you see,
    Now you are nothing, nothing but a whore,
    A different meaning to take a knee,
    Why is no one looking for you, lost little soul?
    We all have our place, to be a sex toy is your role.

    The world is full of predators and thieves,
    Where there is weakness, evil men will swarm,
    When you're the world's slave, Chloroforms the norm.

    The world is full of predators and thieves,
    You're one in a thousand, a leaf in leaves,
    We must all weather the incoming storm,
    When the world's a slave, Chloroform's the Norm.