• pieces, in pieces
    on the gleaming white floor
    the shards of a dream
    that was toppled and choked
    it lies all around me
    in its broken expanse
    I cannot remake it
    I cannot repair

    the glassy flows fall
    as I stare in remembrance
    asking where and why
    all the wrong questions
    the memories I had
    that once made me elated
    now stand as reminders
    and destroy my resolve

    I cannot find it
    the reason or rhyme
    because life took it from me
    and made me deaf and blind
    the sorrowful scene
    which I find myself in
    Is making me hopeless
    and making me dead

    You were once a sign
    on my twisted path
    but now I find
    you never pointed to heaven
    your illusion was cast
    and drew me all in
    and now I can see it
    I can see past it all

    Crushing pain comes
    with each passing minute
    every strike of the gong
    fills my soul with the darkness
    don't tell me it was me
    the fault was your own
    I can live without you
    I'll make it somehow

    The death of a lie
    And start of the truth
    The haunting refrain
    Sounds still in silence
    When the darkness falls
    I can no longer see
    The pieces of glass
    That glitter in daylight

    It’s time for me to sleep
    On my bed of slivers
    The staining red rivulets
    Cause a calming call
    Pulled by the shadows
    As sight blurs to nothing
    Forgetting, forget all
    Cradled by darkness