• You said you loved me... Pure as light, deep as dark, never ending like a dream.
    Creating the belief, the hope, in me towards pure bliss and happiness..
    But I pushed you away, and told you to stay with another who feels the same way as I do...
    Big mistake.
    As the only shoulder to cry on, when your love has gone missing..
    Your damaged little heart, matching mind...
    All you want is a kiss, one simple little touch as I hold your limp and weakened body against mine... All our scars matching....
    But I push you away once more, keeping us both safe.
    As one other helps to put your happiness together.
    Mend your broken, fragile heart.. One he has broken repeatedly.
    "I love you" are his words, "I want you" is his meaning.
    Your bliss brightens me, his kills me...
    Especially as he lets you go...
    I am the only one there.
    The only one helping you.
    The only one still loving you in every way.
    The only one still wanting your kiss, your touch, your love.
    Your smile...
    As you realize my love to you, see how strong it is. How true...
    I say "I love you, and I will do everything to show you..."
    You say "Oh.... I'm straight now."

    You walk away as I remember your smile, your beauty.. How your eyes would light up when you saw me, and the beauty mark near your right eye would become so close to a heart shape when you laughed... The way your make-up would sparkle as it flew into your hair when you missed.... The way you held yourself as people put you down, and laughed at your own clumsiness...
    Everything about you was perfect, no matter how much you think it isn't....