• I want to make a poem
    A poem about love
    But whenever I think about you
    My heart stops
    I get happy
    I lose thought of everything
    I can’t think straight
    I want to make a poem for you
    I don’t know where to start
    I want to tell you all the feelings
    All the feelings I get
    All the feelings you make inside
    There are too many, too many to list
    I want to make you proud
    I want to make you happy
    But I don’t want to sound too sappy
    I want to make something that stands out
    Something you know is for you
    Something that makes you feel the way I do
    You are on my mind 24/7
    Sometimes my reality feels as if it’s heaven
    Your eyes, your hair, your body, your warmth
    I cannot tell you enough how perfect you are
    There is so much I could say
    But I keep deleting my poems
    Trying to remodel my clay
    I don’t know where to start
    I have this so far
    But I know and you know
    You will always have my heart
    (Soul mate)