• Hug me
    poke me,
    but sometimes that not what I need.

    Love me,
    Be with me,
    but sometimes I don't want that you see,

    Silence, oh silence,
    this is what you hear,
    this is what you see.

    You may walk by and notice my presents
    Come in
    and break my silence, please
    But first..

    Let me hug you,
    poke you
    but sometimes that not what you need,

    Love you
    To be with you
    but sometimes you don't want that it seems,

    Silence, oh silence,
    this is what I hear
    this is what I see.

    I may walk by and notice your presents
    let me in,
    to break your silence, just say pretty please.
    A silent smile is what it seems that you need.