• I apologize for all the things that were never said between us.

    Do you believe in a world where everybody is happy?
    I have news for you.
    Happiness cannot exist without sorrow.
    So how does one solve this conundrum?

    Give me your pain.
    Give me your despair.
    Give me your anguish,
    Your yearning,
    Your suffering,
    Your hate,
    Your jealousy,
    Your betrayals.
    Give me your misery.
    Give me your regret.

    I realize my reason.

    35 liters of water
    20 kilograms of carbon
    4 liters of ammonia
    1.5 kilograms of caustic lime
    800 grams of phosphorus
    250 grams of salt
    100 grams of saltpeter
    80 grams of sulfur
    7.5 grams of fluorine
    5 grams of iron
    3 grams of silicon

    plus trace amounts of 15 other elements.
    I will be your sacrifice.
    I will be your martyr.
    Burden me with your darkest fears and emotions.
    I will use it to create the new world.

    Would you like that, N?
    Would you?
    You can call me Kira then.
    You can call me the Cure.
    You could just call.

    I swear I truly loved you.

    Do you remember?
    Do you remember the world we created?
    It was so long ago.
    Do you remember the cave under the waterfall?

    Perhaps it was all a dream.
    Perhaps I’m dreaming still.

    You're waiting for a train,
    A train that will take you far away.
    You know where you hope this train will take you,
    But you don't know for sure.
    But it doesn't matter.
    How can it not matter to you where the train will take you?

    Because you'll be together.

    I swear I love you still.

    The new world will be perfect.
    Where all will be happy,
    And free,
    And be granted their desires.
    All it will cost is pain for one.
    It’s worth it,
    To entrap someone into a world where all that is felt is the longing of the free world.
    It’s worth it.
    Eventually the spirit will be broken,

    You told me it would be all right.

    I will always remember you………..