• It's so loud,
    But she's so quiet.
    Crying in secret
    With silent tears.

    But you wouldn't know it,
    Just by looking into her eyes.
    The hidden sadness
    That's buried deep inside.

    You have to be careful with what you say.
    Words have more power than you know.
    Striking her heart a thousand times,
    Crashing her self esteem to an all time low.

    Though you speak out of spite,
    Choose your words wisely.
    You can go overboard very easily.

    And though you know of what you say,
    It sits nagging at the back of your head.
    That when you return at the end of the day,
    You'll both act as though it was never said.

    Because she cries in silence
    And you'll never know.
    As she writes these words down
    While her tears still flow