• I'm verbally punching the sound,
    suspiciously going around,
    Wait, stop, never mind,
    Can't believe I got lost this time,

    I'm magnetically abusive,
    Yet the forces won't keep me attracted,
    Cause with all this tension that you bring,
    ends up as dead emotions compacted,

    Humans are naive and don't think,
    Then endanger themselves faster than a blink,
    and when I hear the knuckles cracking,
    I automatically assume I'm the one attacking,

    My feelings were honestly attached somewhere else this whole time,
    These emotions were conjured up by a heart that's no longer mine,
    It only takes one second to make this situation drop,
    I'll throw on the ground with no mercy until I hear a pop,

    I have no corrupted ideology,
    past all of my anthology,
    I give God a praising doxology,
    for being the one to understand my psychology,

    Sure I'm stuck to that one person,
    who happens to not be you,
    And even though they do not want me,
    The feelings for you still are untrue,

    Cold blood where the hell is it coming from?
    It's the guilt from all these games I haven't won,
    I've played with your heart and in the process mine,
    All I tried to be was selfish and all you were was kind,

    Please go now,
    Smile to frown,
    Silence from sound,
    but my shame is loud.