• For whom does the sea part?
    Nobody, at least since Moses,
    and I have my doubts on that front.
    For whom does the sun shine?
    Not for the unborn,
    whom are snuffed out before they make it to term.
    For whom does the world turn?
    Not for the deceased,
    whom lay ever still in their graves.
    For whom does the bird sing?
    Not for the watcher,
    nor for the weak, nor the brave.
    Who has the delusions of grandeur,
    to believe that these miracles,
    are enacted soley for him?
    Such an act of slander,
    to reduce these natural improbabilities,
    to an omnipotent deity's whim.
    For whom does the rain fall,
    and the willow, offer shelter,
    beneath its noble boughs?
    For whom does the wind call,
    as frequently and loudly,
    as the voice of nature allows?
    For whom does the tide flow,
    eroding the rocky bluffs of cliffs,
    into soft and comforting sand?
    Whom has the self-importance and ego,
    to hold these wonders,
    in his weak and impermanent hand?
    If God gave life to the physical world,
    then I thank him with every breath.
    Yet, through space we are hurled,
    and burdened by questions,
    until the very moment of our death.
    For whom do the stars burn,
    dancing spectrally,
    across the vibrant night's skies?
    What truths can we learn,
    to behold such brilliance,
    with our mortal, and imperfect eyes?
    Whom can know what lies beyond,
    the realm of all being?
    When the end has dawned,
    and our lives are gone,
    with so much left worth seeing.
    Am I wrong to doubt the truth,
    of everything we believe we know?
    Afterall, I'm no "Infallible Sleuth,"
    but how can life be so?
    God is cruel to play such games,
    with our fleeting feeble hearts.
    For whom does the flow,
    of the breath-taking Thames,
    offer its poetic arts?
    I take advantage, but it's not for me,
    of that you can surely be certain,
    And one other thing; all that will be,
    will fall, one day,
    behind the ghastly reaper's curtain.