• No matter how happy you are with someone there is always that one other person.
    For me it's a him, he is always interrupting my thoughts and my dreams.
    I know it's a cliché, but he goes to school with me.
    He sings with the voice of an angel, and has these arms that could embrace the sun.
    His glance stabs me with accusations of my feelings.
    I have to know if he knows, will he come to me one night and tell me or confront me?
    Will he have a good laugh, or throw it in my face?
    I am sitting in confusing isolation, wondering if maybe, it's all just a silly crush.
    That maybe I'm just a little crazy.
    That maybe I'm just a little selfish.
    Maybe it's a little both, but I have to know now, is it me?
    Or is it a little him too?