• The water beats down
    Blistering my skin
    As I watch, sobbing
    As the dirt washes
    revealing the
    fresh wounds and bruises
    of yesterday

    The water beats down
    blistering my skin
    hitting where bruises
    had once been.
    Wounds turned to scars
    Its been 3 years today

    The water beats down
    blistering my skin.
    I still see them
    I scrub where
    the bruises had been
    5 years still havent
    washed them away

    The water beats down
    10 years have past
    as i wonder where he is.
    If ill ever get back
    what he stole.
    I start to scrub again

    The water beats down
    As it has thousands
    of times before,
    yet I still look down
    and feel like a whore
    15 years later,
    not an end in sight

    I didnt want it.
    So why does it haunt
    me every night?
    A life of fear and regret
    A living death sentence
    from a man I once met

    A smile and blade,
    are visions of that day
    I was forced to lay
    with a man i didnt love
    the one who hurt me
    and took so much

    Investigations long over,
    prices not yet paid
    Make me long for the days
    before I was raped.
    A happy sailor,
    never again.
    The water beats down
    as I try again,
    to wash it away