• I will say without hesitation say that I am a kid from a different generation

    I am a kid who grew up with an attack on our soil when we fell

    into turmoil and our happiness seemed spoiled. I am a kid from a generation

    where I’ve seen people use technology to save lives and some that generated

    High fives. I am also the kid from the same generation who has seen

    countless bombings and drawn out wars. I’ve seen hate manifest in the form of murder, bullying, fighting, and even led some to suicide but I’ve also seen words that

    inspired nations, saved people over the edge, gave voice to those who

    previously had none. I am also part of a generation that has great ideas

    but lacks the motivation or ambition to execute them. Often time we

    are associated to being scum, lazy, good for nothing, and I can’t how many times

    I heard what is wrong with generation? But all I see is a lot of attacks but

    no plans to change it. We were left with the problems of those before us

    and not making excuses for the motivation we lack but get off our backs

    and try to help keep this world intact. Instead of attacking us for being weak

    help us tweak our imperfections and help us push ourselves to our limits.

    Too many times have I heard others being belittled for what they can’t do

    but no one helps them explore the possibilities of what they can do. So

    without further ado I leave you this message my generation makes mistake and I included but don’t attack us when you produced it. We are a factor of what you left behind now get in line and embrace the grind! We have a lot to do so will you help or give up on us to?