• She made me who I am now.

    I started out a huge mess,

    but she fixed some things,

    and now I'm better.

    She introduced me to new people,

    told me to make some friends,

    maybe even fall in love...

    My life is better than hers ever was

    and that makes me sad.

    Because while I spend time with my friends,

    she sits by herself

    with no one to talk to.

    While I hold his hand,

    she waits for someone to take hers.

    "You deserve better," I say.

    But her biggest priority

    is me.

    I'm all she's got.

    She tells my story.

    Thankfully, I'm still alive when it's all said and done.

    That guy and I are getting married soon.

    But as for the one that created me,

    she's getting over the fact

    that a certain someone has a girlfriend.

    I want to help.

    I don't want her to live like this anymore.

    "Draw us," I say.

    "Draw me hugging you.

    You need one."

    So she does.

    And she doesn't look so sad anymore.

    One day,

    she comes home with a book

    with someone I don't recognize on the cover.

    She starts paying less attention to me.

    She gets new shirts,

    new merchandise,

    new habits.

    And one day,

    I see a new girl.

    She looks better than me.

    And when I ask my creator about her,

    she looks at me sadly

    and says,

    "I need to let you go."

    Now, I have someone else who owns me.

    He's nice,

    but he's not the same as her.

    He's fixed me a bit,

    but his ideas aren't the same.

    He loves me,

    but she loved me first.

    And when he moves on from me,

    he will let someone else adopt me.

    I don't know how long this will go on.

    Maybe I will be forgotten?

    But it's normal for me

    because that's the life

    of an OC.