• It's so easy to write when I am sad, about feeling bad,people who make me mad.
    It becomes so easy to write about gore ,horor and fear,Heartbreak and even despair and the details are so clear it is almost as if you were there.
    It's almost natural to me when writing about pain as it is coursing trough my veins and syncing perfectly with my finger tips.
    It so easy as though the pen is moving to a tone like it has a mind and a story of its own.
    I almost wonder if it was me reading back all that I have written for the world to see.
    I am answered undoubtedly who else can it be since every piece has a piece of me that I can see quite clearly.
    I would think ill of me too like I am guessing you probably do but I am not you and I know one thing that is true so let me explain it as simply as I can to you.
    When the time comes and my cup is about filled I will drink before it spills.
    That is to say that on that day when i pick up my pen with sadness and sorrow dwelling within, I am sitting there in person for you to see but there is nobody,nobody more closer to me than me.
    With one hand on my heart and another on my mind I will channel all the fuel that I can find, trying desperately not to leave a single sadness or sorrow behind.
    The stories and poems,truths and details comes naturally when I do this you see.
    It is easy this way, easy for me to write my feelings and move on to a brighter day Leaving my cup empty to be filled once again and upon that day once again fresh work to entertain.

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