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Ono's Angry Rantings people, issues I have with those people, things, life, if it happes it ono its probably in here.

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Stupidity + internet= a deadly combination
Hello again.

I'm trying to collect a Journal reading fandom of my own. Tis hard. The only solution, make more entries.

So I will.

This is another entry composed of different events.
Do you think naruto is gay?

Okay I encountered this topic in the A/M/C. All these topics annoy me, all of them. None of the characters are gay. Even the creator of Naruto has said that. I don't care how much you love or hate them, none of them are gay.

But anyway I was feeling in a very sarcastic and catty mood. So I posted this:
Everyone in Naruto is gay. surprised

It was of course sarcasm. I think the little emoticon gave the sarcasm away.

But of course someone replied:
Naurto fan
Lol your funny not.User Image

Which made me laugh. Because I knew that I made this guy angry because before he posted this he posted this:
Naruto fan
Nooooooooooooo he is not gay poeple who say he is gay are gay.User Image

I know I don't believe that anyone in Naruto is gay but still he so likes the characters that he doesn't want any of them to be gay, otherwise you're "gay".
FandomPandemonium: A Truly Stereotypical Article

Okay a girl posted an article that her school newspaper had ran. It went a little something like this, I repeat her school newspaper ran it, not her, she did not write it:
The Article


1. Anime is the Japanese word for animation. Popular in Japan, and with a strong following in American, it has spread to our television, theaters, literature, music and even our school (The "Anime Club" wink . It's an epidemic of repetitive life lesions and friendship speech that make even the strongest of stomachs turn, and those are just the kid shows.

2. The "Mature" Graphic Novels and shows are just that; graphic. Regardless of how banal the storyline is, or how similar the art style and character models are to other series', jokingly unrealistic violence and obscenely over-proportioned female characters put into constant sexual situations are enough to keep any horny outcast hooked. Think I'm wrong? Why argue? You're going a little far if you say you read titles like "Battle Vixens" and "Love Hina" for the intricate storylines and the unique artistic expression.

3. Examples of fandom going too far: dressing as the characters, having fictional relationships with the characters, spending day and night reading about fictional relationships with the characters, speaking maybe five to 15 words of Japanese and thinking you are seriously mixing with the Japanese culture when in fact you're just being laughed at (And you think their classmates are the only ones laughing?) The whole country of Japan or at least the part that enjoys anime, is laughing even harder!

4. It may be there choice to waste money and time on the pointlessness of anime merchandise, but seriously; shrines in the closet of your bedroom are just creepy. There are no positive points to making or having them. Furthermore, if someone is willing to spend that much time, money, and energy on one show or fictional character, their social life must be like a good riffing on a Killswitch Engage album: nonexistent.

5. Ruining your social status over something as insignificant as calling, and believing, yourself to be a character from Naruto or InuYasha is most definitely not worth it. Having your peers look down on you over something as silly as this is just stupid. For instance, I happen to know a girl, Jamie who we'll call her out of personal courtesy, pretends to be a fictional character from a show. Jamie wears/carries a headband from the show, and has named herself after the fictional character. It's a sad, sad world when you believe yourself to be some rebel boy with a demonic squirrel trapped within his body and a trouble childhood. Yes, poor Jamie is one of the pitiful, mob-like fan bases. Freshmen, heed this warning! Don't fall victim to redundant, over-hyped cartoons. Partake in hobbies that are healthy and beneficiary, like taking up a musical instrument or baking cupcakes.

6.If seeing anime everywhere else wasn't bad enough, the way it has infected the Internet is just sickening. An obviously lonely teen writing stories about their love interest with these characters is a cry for help. They not only need lives of their own, but boy/girlfriends to keep their minds on relationships that could turn into more than corny day dreams. Cartoons make poor soul mates, and using them as sex objects is just pathetic and gross.

7. Touching bases with our own anime club, not to be rude, but what a joke of a club! Never getting anything accomplished, they sit through meetings chattering endlessly about collecting money for events that never take place. Having spoken with a senior with a senior who was a member of the anime club for his freshman year and half of his sophomore year, he told me that for weeks he gave money from his own pocket for events that never took place and then never got his money back.

8. Anime isn't always been awful. Classics like "Astro Boy" and "Robotech" were great shows; revolutionary for they're time and actually original. But this hasn't been the case for far too long. Being a fan of anime isn't a big deal, but going crazy over every piece of garbage that Tokyopop sends your way is counter-productive to the very thing you obsess over. By accepting overwrought filth, you send the message to anime authors that originality is not an important factor to consider when writing your precious manga. All a writer has to do is recycle a storyline, think up some one-dimensional main characters, draw a bunch of triangles and attach some really big breasts on impossibly thin female character figures and, PRESTO!, an instant top-selling import.

9. We all make dumb choices when we're young, and most of the time it's not a problem. However, when something too dumb to call trivial like anime takes over your life, your only escape is to discontinue your interest or grow up. Before you get all riled up, and start cursing at us in Japanese, take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask, "Is it worth it?"

So I was really appalled by the fact a school newspaper ran it. If a local newspaper ran it I wouldn't care, I also wouldn't care if a national newspaper ran it. But a school newspaper?

So I said this:
And they are going to let her put that in the newspaper?!

Personally I would talk to the editor in cheif who is usually a teacher and tell them that this upsets you and should have never had a chance to even reach the school paper. If there is no teacher in the newspaper staff talk to your principal and tell them that this is very upsetting. At lest that's why I would do.

Okay notice that I never say "burn the mother f’ers!" or anything like that, do I?
Yes I said that this shouldn't have even surfaced in the newspaper but I didn't say it didn't have a right to surface, now did I?

So then this genius comes along:
Mr. I suppress your rights

To hell with you and that stupid opinion. It offends someone so it shouldn't go in the paper? BULLSHIT. Unless the paper is being printed in China, there's laws against that sort of s**t.
Okay, can we say hypocritical? So I don't have my right to view this as offensive nor do I have the right to talk about it and see if there is something we can do about it, but this writer of the article has every write to write the article?!

But it's in a school newspaper. If it was in the freaking local newspaper I would say "deal with it." The article would have been okay if it was written in a less snide manner, but it was written in a very offensive manner.

I would know, I've written hundreds of editorials. It's fine when you don't deliberately seek people out, like their anime and manga club, and make fun of them. Which this article did.

Touching bases with our own anime club, not to be rude, but what a joke of a club!
She could have said it completely different.

She could have said, "I don't think our own anime club is up to par," or "our own anime clubs could use some improvement." But what she did say it was a joke of a club, which was rude. In a regular editorial no one goes "Bush sucks, lol!" No, they do it in a dignified manner, unlike this young lady. Let me be honest with you, after many years of being a journalist this girl has no tact and is a bad writer in terms of editorial writing. Someone besides her should have written this editorial.

Also I have every right to voice my opinion, just as you claimed that she had hers. I find the fact that you are protecting her freedom of opinion while demeaning mine very hypocritical.
Also I do have to point out that this article has to be one of the worst articles I have ever read. It is written horribly. The article writer uses language you would never see in newspapers ever. Also she writes in a very rude manner, she writes like a literate blogger basically.

Mr. I suppress your rights

So you don't believe in op eds that have strong opinions? Try reading a few real ones and see how nice they are to the things they're attacking.

Also, a school newspaper deosn't have to worry about losing adverts, so it should be able to get away with more "snide" op eds.

Like I told the OP, write a rebutal letter to the newspaper. If their editor is worth a crap, he or she will print it. It's called public discussion and should be the job of that paper.
Schools newspapers don't have to worry about being offensive? HA! Have you ever written for school newspaper? That is probably one of the most censored peices of journalism one could ever write. They have to worry about parents, super intendants, and teachers. All of which will try to shut it down if they do something even remotly offensive.

No, I didn't say that. I believe them when they are written well, unlike this peice. I said that there was many different ways she could have said it. And I do read "real" ones. I read them, I write them.

Also a school newspaper doesn't have to worry about losing adverts but they do have to worry about parents. Parents can be very catty. I believe that at lest one parent of a child who enjoys anime and manga will be very upset if they read this.

I never said that this person didn't have a right to write this. I said that she didn't do it well. Unlike real OP ED writers she wasn't eloquent at all.

And if their editor was worth a crap in the first place they probably wouldn't have printed the thing in the first place. School newspapers are very cautious about offending people.
Yes, real OP EDs can be offensive but they aren't immature. They don't say "Bush stinks, anyone who likes him sucks." Do they? They at lest present it in a dignified manner.

Mr. I suppress your rights
I think the weirest part of this story...is another article that was jokingly posted a few months later. It was a ten-step article on the ways not to go to Hell, and it kinda-sorta bashed the really pressure-oriented Christians.

Our "Jesus Club" or whatever it's called got very offended and basically flamed that article.

Now, I don't see why our club didn't do anything about it...Sure, we were all pissed, but then there was this attitude of "Eh, who cares?" which makes me laugh now because it was apparent that we ALL cared!

I don't understand people, Hell, I don't understand my damn school XD
Your newspaper is horrible.

XD My HOMETOWN is horrible! Not only do we have a crappy attitude at school, but we're the most racist community in our city.

I find it funny that you didn't take any action until the paper offended you personaly. It's like that with most people. The publication is perfectly fine until it prints something X group doesn't like, then it's suddenly a bad publication. Would you be as pissed if it mocked the jocks at your school?

Any newspaper afraid of offending the people it reports on, is a bad newspaper.

If they don't allow you your rebutal space, they also suck, as I've said before. I think...
And the last thing this guy said made me doubt he has had any interaction with journalism at all!

Any newspaper afraid of offending people is a bad newspaper. Okay have we seen the news lately. Al Roker from the Today Show apologized for making a joke about epileptics. Rose O’Donnell said she was sorry when she did a racist impression of Chinese people. Every news outlet is afraid to offend people, I'm sorry buddy, that's the way the real world works. Get over it.
The next guy is just stupid.

Only dudes swinging around swords? *twitch*

Okay so this is the first post:
Okay, this is a pretty stupid thread, so if your looking for something interesting...though luck.

The other day I was at home, in my room, watching one of my many anime DVDs. I believe it was...Kare Kano? Might of been. Well anyway, my cousin walked in. She is pretty cool about 78% percent of the time, but that day she got my pissed. When she saw me watching anime she said...she said...

"How can you watch this stuff? It's the same thing over and over again, just some stupid dude swinging around a sword"

She was very luckey I did not pitch her down a flight of stairs, well anyway. As we all know there are at least a couple dozen types of anime out therem very few of which have "Dudes swinging around swords".

Is this one of the reasons some peopel dont like anime?
Throw her down a flight of stairs?! For saying that she didn't like some silly anime because it's just a guy swinging a sword? Can we say troubled much?

Just because someon doesn't like the same thing as you do doesn't mean they're stupid or you should throw them down stairs.

They don't like it because it's not appealing to them.
So I said this, people agreed with me. I was happy.

Crazy guy
I would like to point out for future reference...that there are only 7 stairs...how bad could it hurt?
WHAT?! You are trying to justify throwing someone down stairs?! Are you nuts? Okay try using that in court when she sues you for assault and battery. "But your honor it was just seven stairs?!" Guess what the judge doesn't care!

You still shouldn't be throwing anyone down any stairs, at all.

That's like trying to say, "I only stabed her once! How much could it hurt!" Seven stairs still could break a leg or a collar bone.
Actually I bet that someone has died from seven stairs. There is no proof of that but still, it's very likely.

Crazy guy
some girl

Hnn. Well, let's toss you down the stairs and see how much it hurts. xD

lol (no, I really "lol"ed), I'm willing to bet my entire dvd collection that 7 stairs wont hurt me. I feel down 108 stiars last summer. Big hill...ended up with a broken ankle
Okay how much do you want to be that he just said this so he could justify throwing her down seven stairs. I seriously believe that. Also he is trying to justify that it couldn't hurt her when he said that he had even hurt himself, a broken ankle is when the bones are broken. It's still painful, still hurts, it's still and ingury.

You were lucky, one time. She may not be that lucky. And if you fall down some stairs agian you may not be that lucky again either. It's really a luck of the draw.

Seriously. I really hope this kid didn’t throw himself down the stairs to prove a point.

And here is the end of another entry. Again, sorry, but I have no linkies, because again there are too many. But next time if it is a single thread.

Comment and tell you're friends!

User Comments: [7]
Community Member
comment Commented on: Sat Jun 16, 2007 @ 10:25pm
eek I would not read any newspaper if it printed that article and other such offensive articles. Aside from the general superiority complex the writer has, the grammar, spelling, and the generalization and stereotypes just make my head hurt.

"My cousin didn't agree with me so I threw her down some stairs. But it was only seven stairs so it's not a big deal." I'm sure that a jury wouldn't take long to come up with a verdict for that one. Time for someone to look into anger management and a psychiatrist.

You got yourself a reader XD

comment Commented on: Wed Jun 20, 2007 @ 05:51pm
Wow, i love this journal
Wow, in a school newspaper?
That's pretty harsh

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Community Member
comment Commented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 03:16am
People are unforgivably dumb @_@. That's ridiculous, too, for a school newspaper to print. There's a pretty big difference between a real newspaper and a school newspaper. Does that person fail to realize that a school is not the real world and that there are certain rules and courtesies one must abide by? Since when has anyone ever had true free speech at school? The grammer is also atrocious for an actual publication.

Oi. The stair thing. My mother slipped down five and broke her tail bone. People are just senseless.

comment Commented on: Thu Jun 21, 2007 @ 07:08pm
"BUT YOUR HONoR! IT WAS ONLY SEVEN STAIRS!" lol. Even though it's really immature, that's so freaking funny! Sounds like something I would joke about with my friends. And you say this dude was being serious?? Damn.

lol. xd

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Community Member
comment Commented on: Sun Jun 24, 2007 @ 06:50pm
The most generic thing that can be said is "People are Stupid."

the best you can do is be disgusted, since there is no chance reason could ever reach them.

comment Commented on: Thu Jun 28, 2007 @ 06:59pm
heh, i enjoyed reading that
guys swingings swords rofl
my school's anime club was pretty damn popular.
because of that i didn't go there often, too damn crowded and loud people talking.
(lol subtitles rock)

R o c k e t Z X B l u e
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comment Commented on: Fri Jul 04, 2008 @ 06:41am
I love your Journal : D
It's interesting :3

(You Don't Know me, But.. Yea.)

User Comments: [7]
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