Deep within the forest in the Sinnoh region, in the village of Twinleaf, there lived very few people. Among the smal population there lived two young children, a girl and a boy. They were best friends since kindergarten, the girl's name was Hannah, she was a kindhearted person who could cheer anyone up with her cheery personality and her constant caring for others, her hair was short and blonde and she had deep sea blue eyes. The boy's name was Cyrus, a hot headed kid that was often impatient and sometimes rude, but had a good heart nevertheless as he was very protective over his friend and mother, he never meant anyone harm, but if seriously angered, could get violent. He had long black hair and emerald green eyes. Cyrus was a nice person, but often complained over his life to himself as he was stuck in Twinleaf, were just about nothing happened. His mother forbid him from leaving town as she was concerned, wild pokemon had been known to attack and injure unsuspecting Humans. So Cyrus was stuck in Twinleaf, getting worse.
Hannah and Cyrus often took short walks aound town, talking about pokemon and how they each wanted one, so they could go out and adventure. Hannah was content about their hometown as it was always so peaceful and full of serenity. Cyrus was happy too, but not happy enough.
Little did they know however, that their unusual adventure would start sooner than they realised.
x_Dragonsong_x · Sun Dec 30, 2007 @ 06:42pm · 0 Comments |