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My Curse
I have told you. I have a curse. This curse is gruesomely painful. It doesn't hurt the heart like all other pains in my land. No. It tears at the transparent skin of my arm, eating at the flesh of my face, ripping my hair from my fleshless face. But this only happens if I refuse to cause pain. Which I love to do. There is a place I have too go to be able too cause this pain. I make this trip more then any human ever has too. I make this trip every month. This trip to hell. The excruciatingly painful pain I explained to you before doesn't even compare too all the pain that seeps into my heart when come here. I love it! I laugh every time I finally get here. For the pain they are suffering just weighs down on my heart like tons of boulders. Satan isn't as cruel as every one makes him out to be. No. Its actually his wife that runs this place. But you humans don't know her so ill keep my mouth shut about her. To cause the pain I have to come to hell and suffer like the rest. The only problem is I enjoy the pain. So my suffer is to be put into a human body and walk around the world for a week spreading plague. Its horrifying! I have to eat, sleep, walk. Disgusting. But when I finally get returned to my beautiful body its become a habit and I have to break it. Every time I cant wait until I can finally return to my world. Finally get to walk my halls again. Finally get to return to my river. Enjoy the pain my land screams out. Finally return to sorrow.

User Comments: [5]
Community Member

Sun Mar 30, 2008 @ 05:42am

OMG!I am so confused.....I thought she wanted to be one of the living? confused

Community Member

Sun Apr 06, 2008 @ 03:10am

she does.....
but shes been there so long shes getting lost.........
just wait for whets going to happen at the end.....
it awesome!

Community Member

Sun Apr 06, 2008 @ 09:50pm

sorry but the next chapter will take awhile....
-its going to be the longest chapter since the beginning
-im doing a rough copy first cuz its long for me

Community Member

Sun Apr 27, 2008 @ 10:08pm

I'm, cool with that.Have you seen mine?

Community Member

Fri May 09, 2008 @ 01:51am

im looking....
its progressing^^
iv finished 3 chapters but i keep forgetting my lapttop at my moms and she doesnt have internet anymore...
so its gonna take a little while but when it comes then you will get more chaps^^
(yours is great!)

User Comments: [5]
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